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KI for Optical Science and Technology has now managed to concentrate the energy of infrared light pulses with a nano funnel and use the concentrated energy to generate extreme ultraviolet light flashes.

These flashes, which repeated 75 million times per second, lasted only a few femtoseconds.

The new technology can help in the future to measure the movement of electrons with the highest spatial and temporal resolution.

This work was the success of the collaboration with researchers of the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics (MPQ) in Garching (Germany) and the Georgia State University (GSU) in Atlanta (USA), and published in Nature photonics, November 2011.



List of Articles
No. Category Subject Author Date Views
35 KIB Professor Sang-Yup Lee Named Senior Editor of U.S. Biotechnology Journal [2007-02-07] KAIST_INSTITUTE 2016.06.08 12327
34 KIB 이상엽, 정하웅 교수팀, 가상세포로 필수대사물질 발굴, 간겅성 문제 규명 [2007-08-16] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 2016.06.08 5418
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