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International Symposium 2007  - "Interaction between Technology and Culture"
Objective Description
Interaction between technology and culture increased dramatically in the recent years, where the technology is to augment the culture. In this symposium on culture technology, we will look into interaction between the technology and the culture in various cases including entertainment, performance, and social life. This is particularly important since information technology is becoming pervasive, and plays ever important role on cultural activities. We will have researchers from a diverse range of expertise and forge a forward-thinking momentum in our boundary-breaking, interdisciplinary research.
2007.6.26 Tuesday - 2007.6.27 Wednesday 
Culture Contents Complex, DMC, Sangam-Dong, Mapo-Gu, Seoul 

Important Dates

For Contribution submission
- Title and Abstract by 2007.5.7
- Presentation material (and full paper/extended abstract optionally) by 2007.6.1
- Submission should be sent to: swoh_at_vr.kaist.ac.kr (Dr. SeungWoo Oh, KAIST)

For Registration
- Early registration by 2007.6.15
- Late registration after 2007.6.15

Schedule : http://www.culturetechnology.org/program.htm

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Author Views
62 KIB 총장님 초청 KI for BioCentury 세미나 [2007-01-03] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3867
61 Others 청정에너지연구소-전력연구원(KEPRI)과 전략적파트너쉽형성을 위한 상호협력각서 교환식 [2007-04-06] KAIST_INSTITUTE 5321
60 Others 제 9회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-12-13] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3954
59 Others 제 8회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-10-18] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3727
58 Others 제 7회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-10-12] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3712
57 Others 제 6회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-09-20] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4062
56 Others 제 5회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-08-23] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3949
55 Others 제 3회 KIUSS 미래도시 포럼 [2007-06-07] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4044
54 Others 제 2회 KIUSS 미래도시 포럼 [2007-04-24] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3599
53 Others 제 2회 KAIST 미래도시 아이디어 공모전 최종발표회 및 시상식 [2008-02-28] KAIST_INSTITUTE 6281
52 Others 미국무부 초청 연사 강연 [2009-07-10] KAIST_INSTITUTE 21933
51 KI The 7th KI Regular Seminar [2008-10-02] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 5104
50 KI The 6th KI Regular Seminar [2008-07-10] KAIST_INSTITUTE 5342
49 KI The 5th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-26] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4258
48 KI The 4th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-12] KAIST_INSTITUTE 18190
47 KI The 3rd KI Regular Seminar [2008-05-22] KAIST_INSTITUTE 8776
46 KI The 3rd KI International Symposium [2009-09-24] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 41839
45 Others The 2nd KIUSS Seminar [2008-06-23] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 3790
44 KI The 2nd KI Regular Seminar [2008-05-08] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4503
43 KI The 2nd KI International Symposium [2008-09-04] KAIST_INSTITUTE 12250
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