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● Time: 17:30, September 9, 2008 (Tuesday)

● Venue: KAIST Ori Square

We are glad to announce that KAIST is constructing the KAIST Institute (KI) Building, where creative and interdisciplinary studies will be pursued. The new KI Building embodies not only a future-oriented spirit of challenge but also KAIST’s ambitious vision of and passion for gaining a world-class competitive edge in research.

For the last two years, KAIST has revolutionized its entire systems, encompassing academic affairs, school affairs and research. In the field of research in particular, the school aims to create an innovative engine of growth that can contribute greatly to the nation and society through convergence between science and technology.

With these precious hopes and aspirations fully embraced, the KI Building will be the very cornerstone for KAIST to present a new blueprint for the 21stcentury. We sincerely ask for your support and encouragement, and please bless our auspicious ceremony with your presence.

Thank you.

Nam Pyo Suh
President, KAIST

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