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1. Title: [KIITC] Development of Future City Based in Construction

2. Date and Time: Thursday, May 8, 2008, 15:00 ~ 17:00

3. Place: Room 2201, Division of Electrical Engineering (E3-2)

4. Speaker: Prof. Chang, Seong-Ju (Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST)

                Ph.D. in Building Performance & Diagnostics, Carnegie Mellon University 1999

                Research interests include Intelligent building systems & passive technology,

                Smart environment interface robot & software engineering, Ubiquitous systems, spaces and cities,

                Multi-modal environmental interface, Architectural & urban design methodology,

                Sustainable architectural & urban, Architectural & urban critique, Predictive future simulation, Scientific inquiry into creativity

5. The forthcoming seminar schedule is as follows;







May 22




Room 2113, Biomedical Research Center (E7)

KI for BioCentury

Peptide Self-Assembly: From Neurodegenerative Diseases To Novel Nanomaterials

Prof. Park, Chan Beum

(Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering)

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