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● Date/Time: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 09:00~16:00

● Place: Room 101, Creative Learning Building

● Schedule

9:00 - 9:30


9:30 - 9:40

Opening address

9:40 - 10:00

Prof. Jung Kim (Div. of Mechanical Eng. KAIST)


10:00 -11:00

Prof. Ronald S. Fearing (Dept. of EECS, U. C. Berkeley)

“Biomimetic principles for insect scale flapping flight and ambulation”

11:00- 12:00

Prof. Dan Merfeld (Harvard Medical School)

“Investigations of a Sensorineural Implant to Replace Absent Vestibular Function”


Lunch time


Prof. Sukyung Park Park (Div. of Mechanical Eng. KAIST)

“BIomimetic Modeling of Stereocilia’s Amplifying Mechanism”


Prof. Dan Ferris (Dept. of Biomedical Eng. Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Michigan)

“Biomimetic Devices for Studying Human Locomotion”


Prof. Hyuneui Lim (Nano-Mechanical Systems Research Division, Korea Institute of Machinery & Material)

“Simple Fabrication of Biomimetic Surface and Nanotechnology”


Coffee break


Prof. Jae-Hung Han (Dept. of Aerospace Eng. KAIST)

“Flapping Wing Vehicle Research at KAIST”


Prof. Peter J. Bentley (Dept. of Computer Science, University College London)

"Systemic Computation: a Method for Understanding and Exploiting the Differences Between Biological and Classical Computation"


Prof. Jennifer H. Shin (Dept. of Mechanical Eng. KAIST)

“Biological Engines”


Prof. Sungho Jo (Dept. of Computer Science, KAIST)

"Simulation of human biped walking”


Closing address

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