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1. Title: [KIEE]  VFX Technology in Korean Films

2. Date/Time: June 12, 2008 16:00~17:00

3. Place: Room 101, Creative Learning Building (E11)

4. Speaker:  Dr. Lee, Manjai (ETRI)

                Ph. D. in Computer Engineering from University of Texas at Austin

                Research Fellow, SW and Content Research Lab. ETRI

5. Abstract:

Films like “Lord of the Rings” series are not possible without special effects using computer technology. Human-like creature, Gollum looks like real creature. ETRI had developed such digital visual effects and used the research result in the movie “The restless” and “For Horowitz”. In this talk technical background of special effects will be introduced with video clips. Also short animation using non-photorealistic rendering technology will be shown.

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