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KAIST는 창의적 융합연구를 통한 혁신적 연구개발 성과를 창출하고자 지난 2006년 8월 KAIST Institute(KI)를 설립한 바 있습니다.

KI 설립 1주년을 맞이하여 그동안의 연구성과를 점검하고 국제적 학문교류를 통한 연구기반 확대를 위해 국내외 전문가를 초청하여

다음과 같이 제 1회 KI 국제공동심포지움을 개최합니다. 부디 참석하시어 많은 성원과 격려를 부탁드립니다.

● When & Where: 2007. Sep. 6th, 09:30~/ 창의학습관(터만홀)

Sep. 6 (THU)

KI for the BioCentury

10:00 ~ 12:00


1. “Systems and Synthetic Biotechnology”


Prof. Sang Yup Lee

(Co-director of KIBC)


2. “Virus and Host Interaction”


Prof. Jae U. Jung

(Harvard Univ.)


3. "Engineering Microorganisms for Production of Effective, Inexpensive, Anti-Malarial Drugs"


Prof. Jay Keasling

(Univ. of California-Berkeley)

KI for the NanoCentury


1. "Status and Vision of KAIST Institute for the NanoCentury"


Prof. Soon Hyung Hong

(Director of KINC)

13:20 ~ 15:20


2. “Anticipating the NanoCentury”


Prof. Evelyn L. Hu

(Univ. of California at Santa Barbara)


3. “Trends of Nanotechnology R&D in Japan and NIMS Research Activity”


Dr. Yoshio Bando

(National Institute of Materials Science)

KI for Eco-Energy

15:30 ~ 17:30


1. “Current Status of Solar-Cell Research at KAIST“


Prof. Byung Tae Ahn



2. "The Energy Conservation and Low Emission Technology for Transportation Powerplant"


Prof. Ulrich Spicher

(Universität Karlsruhe)


3. "The First Steps Toward a Hydrogen Future"


Prof. Scott Samuelsen

(Univ. of California at Irvine)

Sep. 7 (FRI)

KI for IT Convergence


1. Human-Centered Design for Future Mobile Device Design


Prof. Kun-Pyo Lee


09:30 ~ 11:30


2. “Designing Seamless Experiences in a Converging World”


Tom Mactavish

(Vice-president, Motorola)


3. “Digital Design Convergence to the Holistic Perspectives: For Whom the Mobile Phone Ring.”


Prof. KWON Eun Sook

(Univ. of Huston)


4. Customer Driven Product & Service Development


Lee Chul Bae

(Executive Head, LG Electrics LSR Lab)

KI for Design of Complex Systems


1. “Roles and Challenges of KIDCS”


Prof. Dai Gil Lee

(Director of KIDCS)

12:40 ~ 14:35


2. “Applying Axiomatic Design to Human-Machine Interaction.”


Prof. Martin Helander

(Nanyang Technological Univ.)


3. “Learning from Failures of Complex Design: Japanese Favor Coupled Designs”


Prof. Masayuki NAKAO

(The Univ. of Tokyo)


4. Rationality and Optimality in Design of Complex Systems


Prof. Stephen C-Y. Lu

(Univ. of Southern California)

KI for Urban Space and Systems


1. "Transition & Transformation of Urbanization Process"


Prof. Seongju Chang


14:40 ~ 16:30


2. The Raise of Cybertecture in 21stCentury


James Law

(Chairman & Chief Cybertect, James Law Cybertecture

International Holdings Limited)


3. “Vision and Limitation of Smart and Sustainable Future Cities”


Dr. Jacob van Kokswijk

(Twente Univ.)

KI for Entertainment Engineering


1. "Entertainment Engineering : A New Frontier in the Intersection of Art and Technology"


Prof. Kwangyun Wohn

(Director of KI Enter.Eng.)

16:40 ~ 18:40


2. The Quest for Real-Time Virtual Human Control


Prof. Norman I. Badler

(Univ. of Pennsylvania)


3. Interactive Digital Media as a Tool for Transdisciplinary Progress in the 21stCentury


Prof. James Oliverio

(Univ. of Florida)

* Participation is free of charge but please send us the application form in August 29.

* For further information, you will be welcome to contact us via e-mail (hslim99@kaist.ac.kr) or phone call (+82-42-869-2382) in any time of convenience.

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Author Views
62 KIB 총장님 초청 KI for BioCentury 세미나 [2007-01-03] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3840
61 Others 청정에너지연구소-전력연구원(KEPRI)과 전략적파트너쉽형성을 위한 상호협력각서 교환식 [2007-04-06] KAIST_INSTITUTE 5299
60 Others 제 9회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-12-13] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3936
59 Others 제 8회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-10-18] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3709
58 Others 제 7회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-10-12] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3689
57 Others 제 6회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-09-20] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4038
56 Others 제 5회 KIUSS 미래도시포럼 [2007-08-23] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3931
55 Others 제 3회 KIUSS 미래도시 포럼 [2007-06-07] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4026
54 Others 제 2회 KIUSS 미래도시 포럼 [2007-04-24] KAIST_INSTITUTE 3580
53 Others 제 2회 KAIST 미래도시 아이디어 공모전 최종발표회 및 시상식 [2008-02-28] KAIST_INSTITUTE 6218
52 Others 미국무부 초청 연사 강연 [2009-07-10] KAIST_INSTITUTE 21814
51 KI The 7th KI Regular Seminar [2008-10-02] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 5068
50 KI The 6th KI Regular Seminar [2008-07-10] KAIST_INSTITUTE 5309
49 KI The 5th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-26] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4220
48 KI The 4th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-12] KAIST_INSTITUTE 18157
47 KI The 3rd KI Regular Seminar [2008-05-22] KAIST_INSTITUTE 8736
46 KI The 3rd KI International Symposium [2009-09-24] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 41794
45 Others The 2nd KIUSS Seminar [2008-06-23] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 3760
44 KI The 2nd KI Regular Seminar [2008-05-08] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4455
43 KI The 2nd KI International Symposium [2008-09-04] KAIST_INSTITUTE 12167
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