KI for BioCentury

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A Peptide-Antibody Hybrid Platform for Targeted Cancer Therapy

Synergy in hybrid-A new hybrid platform is developed based on a hapten-labeled bispecific peptide and an anti-hapten antibody to ov...


Noninvasive Optical Activation of Flp Recombinase in Deep Mou...

Spatiotemporal control of gene expression or labeling is a valuable strategy for identifying functions of genes within complex neur...


A Novel Mechanism of Nucleosome Recognition and Destabilizati...

Ji-Joon Song’s research team revealed the working mechanism of DOT1L-Leukemia Related Protein, which recognize the histone code and...


New technology for optogenetic activation of intracellular an...

The immune system defends our body against infection and disease. Antibodies are Y-shaped proteins that play a key role in immune r...


Unique growth principles of microorganisms with minimal genom...

About 70% of the world’s antibiotics are made from microorganisms, and are being used in various fields such as chemistry, pharmace...


Optogenetic Control of mRNA Localization and Translation in L...

A new optogenetic approach called mRNA-LARIAT enables the direct optogenetic control of localization and translation of specific mR...


Engineering Bacteria to Produce Methyl-Anthranilate, a Grape ...

A direct fermentative approach to renewable methyl anthranilate (MANT) production from glucose is possible with metabolically engin...


BAF53b regulates memory persistence via FGF1

Delayed induction of BAF53b in the amygdala after fear learning has a crucial role for memory persistence via regulating FGF1 expre...


Eco-friendly C1 gas conversion technology using microbe-photo...

Prof. Cho’s group has developed an artificial photosynthesis system using a non-photosynthesis microorganism attached to photo-resp...


Team reveals protein complex structure through repeated exper...

Legionnaires’ disease, first reported in the United States, is an infectious disease that can be fatal. About 200 attendees of a 19...


Resourcification of greenhouse gases: C1-fixing pathway disco...

A method of converting gases, a cause of climate change, into valuable biochemical substances has been discovered. Gases emitted fr...


Revealing the molecular mechanism of a molecular motor contro...

Prof. Song’s group at the Department of Biological Sciences of KIB investigated the molecular mechanism of the CHD7 molecular motor...


Computational design of a neutralizing antibody against all S...

Prof. Byung-Ha Oh’s group at KAIST has generated a therapeutic candidate for COVID-19 and emerging coronaviruses by a computational...


Development of Carbon-Neutral Artificial Photosynthesis Techn...

The Japanese Animation, Conan, the Boy in Future, which was broadcast in Korea in early 1980s, described the landscape of ‘Industri...


De novo Design of a Protein Biosensor Platform Through Comput...

The organic materials, called proteins,are evolved for billion years. However, the number of the natural proteins is few. The story...


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