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B5G and 6G Wireless Communication Technology

Fifth generation mobile communication technology has been commercialized around the 3.5 GHz band. If 5G technology that utilizes the 28 GHz millimeter band is commercialized, it will develop into a technology that drives the fourth industrial revolution. Prof. Ju Yong Lee is conducting research on B5G (Beyond 5G) mobile communication technology, centered on full digital technology. He is also conducting research on 6G mobile communication technology, which is expected to be commercialized around 2030. He is developing core technologies for antennas, RF frontends, and baseband modules in order to support 1 Tbps capacity for 6th generation mobile communication technology.

Fifth generation mobile communication technology using the millimeter band utilizes a hybrid beamforming technology that mixes analog and digital beamforming technology, but there is a limitation in scalability in increasing the number of beams to increase capacity. To overcome this, Prof. Ju Yong Lee is developing a full digital beamforming technology, in which it is important to reduce the complexity of the transmitting and receiving RF stages in all digital processing. To this end, he is developing Direct RF Conversion (DRFC) technology as the transmitting end, and a low bit analog-digital conversion (ADC) and baseband technology as the low complexity receiving end.

Sixth generation mobile communication technology is expected to utilize the D band and H band above 100 GHz for capacity increase of 1 Tbps. In antenna technology, through the development of the spatial multi-mode technology widely used in the optical technology, Prof. Lee is developing a technology that can achieve N times the capacity increase in a line of sight (LoS) environment. In addition, because the RF loss problem is serious due to high frequency loss, he is developing technology for reducing the RF loss, and baseband technology for high-capacity processing.

Prof. Ju Yong Lee
2020 KI Newsletter

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