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The KAIST Institute is holding a KI Workshop to meet newly appointed KI professors and to discuss plans for future development. 

● Time: 11 March 2008 (Tuesday) 4:00 p.m.

● Place: Creative Learning B/D Room 101

● Participants: Newly appointed KI professors, KI directors, KI group leaders, and participating professors

● Schedule





(5 min)

Greetings (President)

Creative Learning B/D,

Room 101


(15 min)

Introduction of New Faculty members (KI Directors)


(15 min)

Introduction of KAIST Institutes  (Vice President for KAIST Institutes)


(40 min)

Present Condition and Future Plans of KI (KI Directors)

-BioCentury, IT Convergence, Complex Systems, Entertainment, NanoCentury, Eco Energy, Urban Space, Optical Science


(30 min)

Q&A and Suggestion



To be determined

List of Articles
No. Category Subject Author Views
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58 Others The 2008-3rd Forum for City of Tomorrow [2008-11-21] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 3699
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54 Others The 2nd KIUSS Seminar [2008-06-23] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 3776
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50 Others The 2008-3rd KIUSS Forum for City of Tomorrow [2008-07-22] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 3972
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» KI KI Workshop for New Faculty [2008-03-11] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4092
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43 KI The 5th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-26] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4242
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