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No. Category Subject Author Views
62 FIRIC KAIST Fourth Industrial Revolution Intelligence Center (FIRIC) Held Joint Workshop with EU JRC file KAIST_INSTITUTE 35634
61 KI KAIST INSTITUTE AWARDS in 2018 [2018-11-27] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 7192
» KIHST International Symposium on Therapeutic Bioengineering [2017-12-01] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 37106
59 KINC International Symposium of FIRST Nano Co-op Center : “Nano-Energy & Health” [2016-07-19] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 19356
58 KIHST Launching Symposium of KI for Health Science and Technology [2016-06-03] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 10458
57 KI KAIST-CORNELL University Joint Workshop on Nanotechnology [2012-10-16] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 7712
56 KI the 2nd Exhibition of Space K, Kinetikos [2012-06-21] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 19272
55 KI the 1st Exhibition of Space K, Melting Point [2012-03-09] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 11141
54 KI 2011 KAIST Institute International Workshop on Smart Media [2011-09-27] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 15067
53 KI KAIST Institute International Forum [2010-10-28] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 8803
52 KIITC KIITC Invited Expert Seminar [2009-10-26] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4978
51 KIITC KIITC, participating in the "IT Convergence Korea 2009" [2009-10-13] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 12890
50 KI The 3rd KI International Symposium [2009-09-24] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 41839
49 KINC KINC Seminar [2009-09-03] KAIST_INSTITUTE 16146
48 Others The 2009-4th KIUSS Seminar for City of Tomorrow [2009-08-03] KAIST_INSTITUTE 14633
47 Others KIEcoE-KEPRI Workshop [2009-08-05] KAIST_INSTITUTE 4346
46 Others The 2009-1st KIUSS Forum for City of Tomorrow [2009-07-09] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 4935
45 Others 미국무부 초청 연사 강연 [2009-07-10] KAIST_INSTITUTE 21933
44 Others KIEcoE Seminar [2009-06-19] KAIST_INSTITUTE 6973
43 Others The 2009-3rd KIUSS Seminar for City of Tomorrow [2009-04-09] file KAIST_INSTITUTE 5364
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