Total 62, list per page:

[KI] The 6th KI Regular Seminar [2008-07-10]
The 6th KI Regular Seminar will be held on July 10, 2008. 1. Title: [KIEcoE] High Efficiency CIGS Sol...

[KI] The 5th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-26]
The 5th KI Regular Seminar will be held on June 26, 2008. 1. Title: [KINC] Korea's R&D Policy for...
[Others] The 2008-2nd KIUSS Forum for City of Tomorrow [2008-06-26]
● 일시: 2008년 6월 26일(목) 16:00~18:00 Date/Time: June 26, 2008 16:00 ● 장소: 카이스트 창의학습관(E1...
[Others] The 2nd KIUSS Seminar [2008-06-23]
● 주제: 해외 건설공사가 한국 건설산업에 미치는 영향 Topic: Effects of Overseas Construction Projects ...

[KI] The 4th KI Regular Seminar [2008-06-12]
1. Title: [KIEE] VFX Technology in Korean Films 2. Date/Time: June 12, 2008 16:00~17:00 3. Place: Roo...
[KIR] International Workshop on Biomimetic Complex System Design [2008-06-03]
● Date/Time: Tuesday, June 3, 2008 09:00~16:00 ● Place: Room 101, Creative Learning Building ● Schedu...

[KI] The 3rd KI Regular Seminar [2008-05-22]
1. Title: [KIB] Peptide Self-Assembly: From Neurodegenerative Diseases to Novel Nanomaterials 2. Date...

[KI] The 2nd KI Regular Seminar [2008-05-08]
1. Title: [KIITC] Development of Future City Based in Construction 2. Date and Time: Thursday, May 8,...

[KI] The 1st KI Regular Seminar [2008-04-24]
1. Title: [KIDCS] Computational model of neuro-musculo-skeletal system: human biped walking 2. Date a...

[Others] The 2008-1st KIUSS Forum for City of Tomorrow [2008-03-17]
1st Future City Forum, 2008 Motion Based Structural Design for Tall Buildings (초고층 건축물 구조 시...