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Automatic quarantine system to fight against COVID-19

Prof. Ho-Jong Chang’s research team (KAIST KIITC) and eleven companies in Daejeon collaborated on the COVID-19 quarantine system development. Technological investments were voluntarily and On June 15, 2021, a demonstration ceremony was held at the Daejeon Arts Center. The “Intellectual quarantine system” was completed in ten months and ready for application at public toilet facilities. The project leader Chae-Seok Lee announced that it “was originally a project that would take more than a year, but the development period was reduced to less than ten months through active collaboration between participating companies and researchers. All thanks go to team members and collaborators”.
The list of collaborators is as follows: OTS, Income Bio, I-one, U-Science, Samjung bio science, Eone OMS, IRIS, FLAIR, INTSAIN, Pine C&I, and Smart pro. All of the collaborators contributed to the development of the system with their own technologies. Specifically, Income bio developed a safe quarantine material (chloride dioxide) and U-science developed a grating film to transfer sterilization light uniformly. KAIST developed the control and data acquisition system and the digital twin. The currently, quarantine system only emits sterilization materials in fixed direction and is not very effective. The “Intellectual quarantine system” can emits materials in any direction by means of an image detection system. This system is attached to a digital twin as well. All of the information gathered from the developed system is sent to the KAIST central server.
This system will be a transportable intellectual quarantine system when attached to a self-mobility system. This will help to decrease the social risk of the pandemic and contribute to job creation as well.
2021 KI Newsletter

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