Total 358, list per page:
- Nonlinear chiral rheology of phospholipid monolayers
Soft Matter / / 2018 / Choi, siyoung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- Static and Dynamic Permeability Assay for Hydrophilic Small Molecules Using a Planar Droplet Interface Bilayer
Analytical Chemistry / / 2018 / Choi, siyoung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- A new method to produce cellulose nanofibrils from microalgae and the measurement of their mechanical strength
Carbohydrate Polymers / / 2018 / Choi, siyoung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- Nanostructuring one-dimensional and amorphous lithium peroxide for high round-trip efficiency in lithium-oxygen batteries
Nature Communications / / 2018 / Byon, Hye Ryung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- Determining the facile routes for oxygen evolution reaction by in situ probing of Li-O₂ cells with conformal Li₂O₂ films
Journal of Physical Chemistry C / / 2018 / Byon, Hye Ryung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- Critically examining the role of nanocatalysts in Li-O₂ batteries: viability towards suppression of recharge overpotential, rechargeability and cyclability
ACS Energy Letters / / 2018 / Byon, Hye Ryung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- Designing redox-stable cobalt-polypyridyl complexes for redox flow batteries: spin crossover delocalizes excess charge
Advanved Energy Materrals / / 2018 / Byon, Hye Ryung / KINC > NT for Climate Change
- Highly Aligned Plasmonic Gold Nanorods in a DNA Matrix
Advanced Functional Materials / Vol. 27(45) / 2017 / YOON, DONG KI / KINC > NT for Advanced Opto-Electronics
- Morphogenesis of liquid crystal topological defects during the nematic-smectic A phase transition
Nature Communications / Vol. 8, 15453 / 2017 / YOON, DONG KI / KINC > NT for Advanced Opto-Electronics
- Structural transitions and guest/host complexing of liquid crystal helical nanofilaments induced by nanoconfinement
Science Advances / Vol. 3(2) / 2017 / YOON, DONG KI / KINC > NT for Advanced Opto-Electronics