- Hong, Song-Cheol / Director
KI for IT Convergence
- Integrated Sensors
- Hompage Email
- Professor
- School of Electrical Engineering
- Office : E19-220
- Phone : 042-350-3449
- Email : schong1234@kaist.ac.kr
IEEE TMTT / / 2019 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE MWCL / / 2019 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE MWCL / / 2019 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE TMTT / / 2019 / Hong, Song-Cheol
Electronics Letters / / 2018 / Hong, Song-Cheol
Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves / / 2018 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / / 2018 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / / 2018 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / / 2018 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques / Vol. 65(3) / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques / Vol. - / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / Vol. 27(6) / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques / Vol. 65(9) / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters / Vol. 59(1), 125-128 / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters / Vol. 59(1), 125-128 / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / Vol. 27(9) / 2017 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques / Vol. 64 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs / Vol. - / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques / Vol. 64 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / Vol. 26 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / Vol. 26 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / Vol. 26 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters / Vol. 26 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs / Vol. 63 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
Electronics Letters / Vol. 52 / 2016 / Hong, Song-Cheol
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-2016-0047631 / 2016-04-19 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-1614815-0000 / 2016-04-18 / Patent approved
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-1599726-0000 / 2016-02-26 / Patent approved
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-2016-0011302 / 2016-01-29 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-2016-0124612 / 2016-09-28 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-1661907-0000 / 2016-09-27 / Patent approved
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-2016-0077495 / 2016-06-21 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 201610085627 / 2016-02-15 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-2016-0010546 / 2016-01-28 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 14993505 / 2016-01-12 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 14993640 / 2016-01-12 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / PCT/KR2015/013599 / 2015-12-11 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / PCT/KR2015/013599 / 2015-12-11 / Patent pending
Hong, Song-Cheol / 10-1567472-0000 / 2015-11-03 / Patent approved