Recent Publication
Well structure engineering to improve the responsivity of p-on-n SiPMdeveloped at KAIST-NNFC
NIMA / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
Parametric optimization for energy calibration and gamma response function of plastic scintillation detectors using a genetic algorithm
NIMA / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
Quantitative analysis of NaI(Tl) gamma-ray spectrometry using an artificial neural network
NIMA / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
Multi-Radioisotope Identification Algorithm using an Artificial Neural Network for Plastic Gamma Spectra
Applied Radiation and Isotopes / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
A study on back irradiation flat panel detector with crystal silicon based x-ray CMOS image sensor
Radiation Physics and Chemistry / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
Probe area effect on performance of phoswich detectors for simultaneous alpha and beta detection
Journal of Instrumentation / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
Efficient Design of ∅2×2 Inch NaI(Tl) Scintillation Detector Coupled with SiPM in an Aquatic Environment
Nuclear Engineering and Technology / / 2019 / Cho, Gyuseong
Attenuation Curves of Neutrons from 400 to 550 Mev/u for Ca, Kr, Sn, and U ions in Concrete on a Graphite Target for the Design of Shielding for the RAON In-flight Fragment Facility in Korea
Nuclear Engineering and Technology / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
Improvement of spatial resolution in a timepix based CdTe photon counting detector using ToT method
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
Evaluation of eye lens dose to workers in the steam generator at the Korean optimized power reactor 1000
Radiation Protection Dosimetry / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
Inverse Calibration Matrix algorithm for Radiation Detection Portal Monitors
Radiation Physics and Chemistry / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
Study on Collimator Design for Neutron Science Facility of RAON Accelerator Complex
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
Photodiode area effect on performance of X-ray CMOS active pixel sensors
Journal of Instruments / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
Monte-Carlo Simulations of Criticality Safety Assessments of Transuranic Element Storage in a Pyroprocess Facility
Nuclear Engineering and Technology / / 2018 / Cho, Gyuseong
A New-Cross-detection Method for Improved Energy Resolving Photon Counting at Pulse Pile-up
NIMA / Vol. 867, 154-162 / 2017 / Cho, Gyuseong
Energy-Correction Photon Counting Pixel for Photon Energy Extraction under Pulse Pile-up
NIMA / Vol. 856, 36-46 / 2017 / Cho, Gyuseong
Detector Motion Method to Increase Spatial Resolution in Photon-Counting Detectors
JKPS / Vol. 70(6), 567-573 / 2017 / Cho, Gyuseong
An Innovative Method to Reduce Count Loss from Pulse Pile-up in a Photon-Counting Pixel for High Flux X-ray Applications
JINST / Vol. 12 / 2017 / Cho, Gyuseong
Optimization of a guard ring structure in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes fabricated at National Nanofab Center
JINST / Vol. 11 / 2016 / Cho, Gyuseong
Design of a Linear Detector Array Unit for High Energy X-ray Helical Computed Tomography and Linear Scanner
Journal of Radiation Industry / Vol. 10 / 2016 / Cho, Gyuseong
Calculation of Concrete Shielding Wall Thickness for 450 kVp X-ray Tube with MCNP Simulation and Result Comparison with Half Value Layer Method Calculation
Journal of Radiation Industry / Vol. 10 / 2016 / Cho, Gyuseong
A Design of a Valid Signal Selecting and Position Decoding ASIC for PET Using Silicon Photomultipliers
JINST / Vol. 11 / 2016 / Cho, Gyuseong
Optimal design of a CsI(Tl) crystal in a SiPM based compact radiation sensor
Radiation Measurements / Vol. 82 / 2015 / Cho, Gyuseong
Radiaiton Protection Dosimetry / Vol. 170 / 2015 / Cho, Gyuseong
A radiation counting readout circuit having dual signal-procecessing paths and the radiation counting method using the same
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2014-0086586 / 2016-10-21 / Patent approved
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-201-0081806 / 2016-06-29 / Patent pending
Method and system to increase spatial resolution using the charge sharing at the medical imaging sensor
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2016-0075078 / 2016-06-16 / Patent pending
The circuit of the detector for positron emission tomography with selecting effective signals and reducing channels
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2016-0046978 / 2016-04-18 / Patent pending
The module of silicon photomultipliers with outputs to both ends
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2016-0035439 / 2016-03-24 / Patent pending
Silicon photomultiplier device
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2015-0188666 / 2015-12-29 / Patent pending
Endoscopy based Fusion Medical Imaging System for Minimally Invasive Surgery
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2015-0185327 / 2015-12-23 / Patent pending
A silicon photomultiplier with enhanced photon detection efficiency and free crosstalk structure using a backside illumination
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2015-0184020 / 2015-12-22 / Patent pending
A silicon photomultiplier with enhanced photon detection efficiency using a backside
Cho, Gyuseong / 10-2015-0184026 / 2015-12-22 / Patent pending